Exam preparation for telc & TestDaF

Are you planning on taking the telc or TestDaF exam and still looking for a course that will prepare you well?
Exam preparation
In this live online course,
- You will discuss the structure of the exam and what exactly is tested in each part.
- You will learn strategies for solving each part of the exam.
- You will get individual feedback on your written and spoken German.
- You will meet in online classes via ZOOM.
- 4 days of 3 classes each (one class = 45 min)
- 2x Tuesday + Wednesday for 3 p.m. to 5.15 p.m. (German time)
- 12 classes (45 min each) live online course + 3 classes (45 min each) evaluation and feedback on your strengths and weaknesses.
- You have already taken a language course and are confident at the C1 level.
- You have read the information about the exams on telc’s and TestDaF’s websites.
- You have looked at the sample test and know what parts there are to the exam.
Using the sign-up form, book this course before the date of your exam. The course will take place if at least 3 participants have signed up.

Course information

2 weeks before the date of each exam

3 - 5

class time
3 p.m. – 5.15 p.m. (German time)

199,00 €

2x on Tuesday, 2x on Wednesday
You can take an official test after one of our courses in our licenced TestDaF/ telc test center.

TestDaF Find My Test Center
testdaf.de →
telc Language Tests
telc.net →
Further Information
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
europaeischer-referenzrahmen.de →
Apply to Study in Germany
uni-assist.de →
Studying in Halle
study-in-germany.de →
Studying in Germany
study-in-germany.de →
Placement test
einstufungstests.klett-sprachen.de →
anhalt-dessau-wittenberg.de →
Plan Your Studies
Majors and Minors at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
studienangebot.uni-halle.de →
Develop Your German Skills During Your Free Time
dw.com/de →
Information About Visa Requirements
auswaertiges-amt.de →
Accommodation in Halle (Saale)
Links for finding furnished rooms and shared apartments
Poster CEFR “Can Do”
Statements Business
Broschüre Kulturhäuptlinge
Halle (Saale)
Spirits of Culture
Halle (Saale)
Wittenberg’s Booklet
Lutherstadt Wittenberg